Wednesday 29 November 2017

Christmas in the Philippines- Did you know that it lasts 4 months and without cold?

For those who love Christmas, there is something they should know: There is a place in the world where this holiday lasts 4 MONTHS. 

Friday 24 November 2017

The most powerful key of camping masters

We can watch thousands of hacks and tricks for camping but behind all that mastering there’s a secret key that allows us to make one thousand more: 

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Thursday 23 November 2017

The Pet friendly madness in Christmas

Talking about trends this is one of our favorites. We loved the idea that every time more and more businesses and locations around the world allow us to enjoy this Christmas with the company of our best buddies.
Spanish version: Click here

Thursday 16 November 2017

6 Benefits of growing your own food (Part 2)

We come back to tell you the other 3 benefits to grow you´re own food, are you ready?

Let's recap!
1) You don´t know what the market food contains. Big productions less quality always.
2) Help us to be grateful and to value nature. Once you know the effort it takes you can´t just throw it again anymore.
3) Make us generate a community. You can grow strawberries, your neighbors grow blackberries and at the end, with all your neighborhood in the job you can make a fantastic wild salad. Don´t you think?

4) Guide us to discipline and commitment

Spanish version: Click here

Wednesday 15 November 2017

6 Benefits of growing your own food (Part 1)

We are giving you 6 awesome reasons why you should grow your own organic garden. Apparently is a trend to go back to basics and take lessons of horticulture and organic cultivation but more than a vogue find out how you can improve not only your physical health but your heart, mind, and soul too.

Spanish version: Click here

Saturday 11 November 2017

Igorot Culture- Respect and Care for Nature

The tribes that live in the Cordilleras of Luzon are known by the generic name of Igorots (Tagalog language: Mountaineer), however, they are many different tribes distributed along the Cordillera and all have their own beliefs. 
They're famous in history by being extraordinary warriors and headhunting but in their culture, there is something more valuable and worthy that should be an example for all, their respect for nature.

Spanish version: Click here

Thursday 9 November 2017

3 Powerful Reasons why Baguio should be a Mandatory Stop

Having 7 thousand 107 islands in the Philippines, we give you 3 powerful reasons why Baguio should be a mandatory stop in your travel.

Spanish version: Click here

Saturday 4 November 2017

5 Reasons to travel to the Philippines

If you still do not decide to draw a route through Asia read on because we will tell you 5 inescapable reasons why should not be missing in your travel log …

Spanish version: Click here

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Welcome to our Blog!

Hello, tourist and friends welcome our blog!
We want to invite you to discover a magical place called Baguio in the Philippines
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