Thursday 23 November 2017

The Pet friendly madness in Christmas

Talking about trends this is one of our favorites. We loved the idea that every time more and more businesses and locations around the world allow us to enjoy this Christmas with the company of our best buddies.
Spanish version: Click here

Today we know is not about having a furniture to decorate our home but pets are more than that, their living ones who deserve to enjoy their life too. They part of our family, for some people they are the only family they have. So cheers to recreational spots who choose to be pet-friendly letting us share our most precious experiences with the ones we love. 

What´s behind a pet friendly place?

Well if you get into a spot with this service this sign will tell you more about the people in charge. They 'll have the conscious and care about living beings but also probably they are very empathic with other people too, kind and open-minded. It tells that they care deeply about their customers and they are able to adapt in order to offer you the best experience possible. 

¡Spread Christmas Love!

Taking your dog to your Christmas vacations or either just for lunch at your favorite restaurant gives us a better mood. 

Every animal lover on the earth know how hard it is to let our pets at home, how worry we get if we know we will be out for a couple of days, how difficult is to find a friend you trust to look after them or how expensive is to pay daycare, and to be honest we feel guilty when every day they have to spend the day at home while we go to work and we think they get bored. 

So pet-friendly place is ideal to enjoy plenty of your best bud, stay up and happy and spread the Christmas LOVE!

¡Comment and Share!What will you and your best pet friends do for Christmas? 

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