Thursday 16 November 2017

6 Benefits of growing your own food (Part 2)

We come back to tell you the other 3 benefits to grow you´re own food, are you ready?

Let's recap!
1) You don´t know what the market food contains. Big productions less quality always.
2) Help us to be grateful and to value nature. Once you know the effort it takes you can´t just throw it again anymore.
3) Make us generate a community. You can grow strawberries, your neighbors grow blackberries and at the end, with all your neighborhood in the job you can make a fantastic wild salad. Don´t you think?

4) Guide us to discipline and commitment

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It takes knowledge of seed, water and recollects. Also takes time to fall in love with your work, it's a beautiful “hobby” if you want, gives you peace and time out of the urban life. It takes also discipline so your carrots, potatoes, lettuces...grows big and wonderful

5) A Fundamental Tool to have Economic Independence

Are we all tired of food, especially vegetables crazy prices sometimes? Well, that’s a solved problem if you grow because you won’t depend on your government's mood as much as you did before growing your food and if you are exchanging products as we explained before you can make as luxury salads as you wish.

6) OMG! The taste!

Finally but not less important you won’t taste ever a better fruit, plant, or vegetable more delicious as the one that grows in your garden, because it not only will taste cleaner, you will be able to feel the love you put in it, your effort and that doesn't come from a simple writer. Believe me, the best chefs in the world they all have their own organic garden.

So what are you waiting for? Start now

In San Alfonso's place we grow our products, every succulent dish you've seen in this content was the product of that effort and the incredible chef Vickie is willing to share one of those recipes with you. Vote for your favorite, the recipe for the winning dish will be on our next week's blog.

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